This dance depicts mountain climbing with boy at the center as guide of the two girls behind him.

MUSIC - is divided into two parts: A and B

COUNT - one, two, three to a measure

FORMATION - in sets of threes, forming a large circle facing clockwise. Each set of three forms a triangle. The boy in front holds the outside hands of the two girls standing behind him. The two girls join inside hands.

A handkerchief may be held in each hand of the boy represent a rope which the girls hold with their outside hands.

PART I (Music A)

(a) Stamp R foot forward (ct. 1), two steps forward - L, R (cts. 2, 3) ... 1 M

(b) Repeat (a), fifteen more times, L and R alternately, moving clockwise ... 15 M

(Music B)

(a) With two stamp-step-steps as in figure I (a), the boy moves backward under the joined arms of the girls while the girls do the steps in place ... 2 M

(b) Girl on the right turns under the boy's L arm with two stamp-step-steps while the other two do the steps in place ... 2 M

(c) The girl on the left turns under her own R arm. Add do the stamp-step-steps twice ... 2 M

(d) Boy turns under his own L arm doing the same step and all face front again ... 2 M

(e) Repeat all (a-d) .. 8 M