ADDRESS PARTNER - Bow to partner. It is the same as "honor" your partner. Facing partner, boys bow bending slightly from the waist, girls curtsy.

ALLEMANDE LEFT - In quadrille or circle formation, all couples execute it at the same time in the same manner. The boy turns to the girl at his left and takes her L hand in his L hand and turns her once around counterclockwise, then both falling back to places.

ALLEMANDE RIGHT - The boy faces his own partner, takes her R hand in his R hand and turns her once around clockwise, then both falling back to places.

CAST OFF - When the dancers are in long formation, the leaders or head couple countermarch outward to the end of the line where the last couple was, countermarch inward to proper places. All the dancers in the line follow their respective leaders.

CIRCLE LEFT and RIGHT - The designated couples or dancers join hands and walk to left (for circle left) with light, springy steps clockwise for eight or sixteen steps and then to the right counterclockwise (for circle right); bringing them back to their home positions.

CLOCKWISE - Like the direction of the hands of the clock as they move.

CLOSE POSITION (ballroom dancing) - Partners hold in ballroom dancing position, face to face. The girl a little bit to the right of the boy.

COUNTERCLOCKWISE - The reverse direction of clockwise.

CROSS-OVER - When opposite couples cross-over, each pair proceeds in a straight line to the opposite place. The girls pass between the boys and by each other by L shoulders. Upon reaching the opposite place, partners turn about, girls standing at partners' right side.

CURTSY - To bend knees and body slightly with a bow of the head. The weight of the body is on one foot, the other foot printing in rear across the other foot.

(a) Forward Dip - When partners are in open ballroom dancing position a forward dip is done by bending slightly the knee of the foot in front, weight of the body on it. The leg in rear is raised.

(b) Backward Dip - When partners are in open ballroom dancing position a backward dip is done by bending slightly the knee of the rear foot, weight of the body on it. The leg in front is raised.

DO-SI-DO (Dos-a-dos) - Partners are facing each other. Advance forward passing each other by the R (L) shoulders, step across the right (left) and walk backwards without turning around passing each other by the L (R) shoulders to proper places.

DRAW - When one foot is pulled along the floor in the direction of the foot which has the weight of the body. They weight may or may not be transferred, according to the step used.

ELBOW SWING - Two dancers link R elbows and swing clockwise either with springy walking steps or buzz steps.

FOLDED ARMS - Raise the arms in front at shoulder level, with one forearm on top of the other.

FORWARD and BACK - All or any designated dancers take four steps forward and four steps backward. Hands may be joined or down at sides.