FREE FOOT - The foot not bearing the weight of the body.
FREE HAND - The hand not placed anywhere or not doing or holding anything.
GRAND RIGHT and LEFT - Partners join R hands facing each other. Boys all move counterclockwise, and girls, clockwise. Each boy in starting passes his partner on her right and drops her hand, joins L hand with the L of the next girl, who advances to meet him and passes her on her left and drops her hand, joins R hand with the R of the next advancing girl and so on. In square dances, when partners meet half-way they hold in promenade position and promenade around counterclockwise to their home positions. In other dances, when partners meet for the first time they continue until they meet for the second time in their home positions. Then they may all turn about and reverse direction.
HOP - A spring on one foot, landing on the same foot in place or in any direction. The free foot is raised in front or in rear.
INSIDE FOOT - The foot nearest one's partner, when partners stand side by side.
JUMP - A spring on one foot or both feet, landing on both feet in any direction.
INSIDE HAND - The hand nearest one's partner, when partners stand side by side.
LEAP - A spring from one foot landing on the other foot.
LADIES CHAIN - Girls exhange places offering R hands as they pass. Girls join L hand with L of opposite. Boy who places his R hand around her waist and turning her half way around. Girls return to original places giving R hands to each other as they pass and give L hands to partners who turn them around, as the opposite boys, to their original places.
LINK ELBOWS - Hook L (R) elbow with partner or any dancer.
OPEN POSITION (ballroom dancing) - Partners hold in ballroom dancing, facing one direction, toward the extended arms.
OUTSIDE FOOT - The foot away from one's partner, when partners stand side by side.
OUTSIDE HAND - The hand away from one's partner, when partners stand side by side.
PARTNER'S SIDE - Partners change with four light running steps passing by the L shoulders. Turn left about to face partner and return to original position passing by the R shoulders.
POINT (Touch) - Touch the floor lightly with the toes of one foot, weight of the body on the other foot.
PROMENADE - Partners are side by side, L shoulders toward the center, holding in skating position (R hands joined over the joined L hands) at waist level or in varsovienne position (boy's R arm around back of girl, holding her R hand close and at level of her R shoulder, and his L hand holds her L hand in front or at the side) they walk around in a counterclockwise direction until they reach their home position.
SET - A dance or unit formation. In square dance formation a set is composed of four pairs standing on the sides of a hollow square facing the center. The boys stand at the left side of their respective partners. The distance across the couples is front eight to ten feet.
The couples (partners or pairs) are numbered in a counterclockwise direction with Couple 1 with back toward the "caller" or music. Couple 2 on the right of couple 1 and Couple 3 is the opposite couple facing Couple 1, Couple 4 is opposite of Couple 2
Partners - Dancers standing side by side with girl at the right of boy.
Head Couples - Couples 1 and 3.
Side Couples - Couples 2 and 4.
Opposites - Partners facing each other - as Couples 1 and 3, Couples 2 and 4 are opposites.
Corners - The girl at the left side of boy and the boy at the right side of girl are corners.
Home Position - The couple's original position in the set.
Home Couple (or Stationary Couple) - When two couples are performing a movement the home couple is the one at whose place the movement is taking place.
Visiting Couple - Couples are the pairs moving around the set, performing the movements with the home couple or couples.
SPIN (Whirl) - To make fast turns executing small steps in place.
STAMP - To bring down the foot forcibly and noisily on the floor (like doing a heavy step) with or without transfer of weight.
STAR RIGHT and LEFT - This is also know as Mill or Wheel Right and Left. Four dancers put their R hands in the center and walk around clockwise (Star Right) and at the caller's command they turn about, put the L hands together and walk counterclockwise (Star Left). They hold their R hands together one on top of another or they may each grip the wrist of the dancer in front of them.
SUPPORTING FOOT - The foot which supports the weight of the body.
SWING PARTNER - Partners in social dance position, R shoulders near each other. In this position swing each other around clockwise by taking quick steps on the L foot and accenting the step on the R foot. The L foot remains behind the R foot. This step is known as the buzz step. Springy, light steps may also be used.
TURN SINGLE - This is an English term for a step which is done by making one complete turn to the right (clockwise) with four light running steps, starting with the R foot.