Read each of the following statements and indicate whether you agree, disagree or not sure. Then check your score and study the analysis at the end.
1. I have difficult people reporting to me
2. I must work with difficult co-workers
3. I report to a difficult person as my boss
4. My subordinates take up too much of my time
5. My co-workers take up too much of my time
6. My superiors take up too much of my time
7. Poeple who take up my time are "difficult"
8. Difficult people make me unproductive
9. Difficult people make their peers unproductive
10. Difficult people cost my organization money
TWO (2) POINTS - for every question you answered "Agree"
ONE (1) POINT - for every question you answered "Not Sure"
ZERO / NO POINTS - for every question you answered "Disagree."
15 - 20
(You believe that difficult people are disruptive and that they waste time and other resources. Difficult people are a serious issue for you.)
10 - 14
(You aren't sure whether or not difficult people are a problem for you, for other people, or for your organization as a whole. You have thick skin or are in denial.)
0 - 9
(You aren't convinced that difficult people are problematic. You are either right or oblivious to what's happening around you - in which case you may be a difficult person yourself.)